Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our New Android Book Printed!

We just got our first copy of Sam's Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours in both print form and "folded and gathered" form. (That's for us to make corrections on, but it's kind of neat.) It's still pre-order on Amazon, but it should be available pretty soon! So, don't forget to pre-order and be amongst the first to get one. :)

It's a full-color book, too. The code samples are color coded which, to us, makes them far easier to read. Images are easier to view, too.


Unknown said...

I just got your book entilted Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours and I've noticed that there is no explanation on how to use the sample codes provided from Informit and or Safari. You would be kind enough to explain how to use it. I am new to Java, Android, and Eclipse.

I'ld greatly appreciate your help and await for the explanations.


Unknown said...

Hi Jose,

Thanks for checking out our book.

You can import the projects provided on the book website in the same way you can import the sample projects supplied with the Android SDK. This is a common task for Java programmers and the process doesn't really change for Android.

Simply go to the SAMS book website and download the java project samples, then use Eclipse to import them into your workspace. We discuss two ways you can import projects in the Did You Know? box on page 13 of the book.

Hope this helps!

Unknown said...


I imported the sample codes successfully per your response to my previous comment (07/29/2010)unitl I imported Hours 15-16 (QuizSettingsActivity.java)were I got the following 7 errors;
23 import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
24 import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;
25 import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
26 import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody;

977 MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);
978 File file = new File(avatar);
979 FileBody encFile = new FileBody(file);
981 entity.addPart("avatar", encFile);
982 try {
983 entity.addPart("updateId", new StringBody(playerId.toString()));

As I mentioned in my last comment, I am new to Java, Android, and Eclipse, but inspite of my current handicap I tried every way I can to resolved my situation even by calling Android Tech Support and I was told to try to contact the author of the book. Hense I am writing to you.

I hope that you'll be able to help finish reading and learning from your book.

By the way, I look forward to reading your other book Android Wireless Application Development, which I just purchased today.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Unknown said...


First, what is Android Tech Support and what's their number? :) We've never heard of them. There's a way to submit bugs in the Android platform team, which we mention in our book, but there's no developer support phone service that we are aware of. Can you give us more details on who you spoke to?

Secondly, the items you posted are not errors, but code lines of code we provided in the book. If you are using Eclipse, you should see errors in the Problems tab at the bottom of the screen. If you are having problems learning to compile Java code in an editor, we suggest working through some sample Java projects (Hello World, etc) first and then move on to the samples that do compile for you first, before trying to move on to the more advanced projects.

That said, sometimes you need to do a Project Refresh and Clean before trying to build within Eclipse without errors. This is a known Eclipse issue and has nothing to do with the projects. If there is a problem with the project in Chapter 15/16, we would need more info on the actual errors you're seeing.


mousse said...

Hi, what a great book! I'm using it to try to understand how android works and it is well explained.

On the example chapter 15-16 however I tried to use the link given to look for the xml scores file but I couldn't get it.. I checked directly the link on the browser, but an error appeared! hope you can fix it!

ps: just ordered Android wireless application from amazon