Technical Books (eBook and In-Print)
- Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours
Published in print and eBook by Pearson/Sams Publishing - Third Edition
- Second Edition
- First Edition
- Notes: This is our Android book most suitable for beginners. It is written in a tutorial style. In the third edition, we added a new co-author, Carmen Delessio, to help keep this series up-to-date.
- Second Edition
- Android Wireless Application Development (Developer's Library)
Published in print and eBook by Pearson/Addison-Wesley - Fourth Edition, Advanced Topics (Expected 2014).
- Fourth Edition, Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials
- Notes: This book series is a revised version of the Developer's Library two volume set described below. For the fourth editions, we added a new co-author, Joseph Annuzzi, Jr., to help keep this series up-to-date. The publisher chose to change the book title, but continue the original edition versioning. We mention this because some readers have been confused by the series title changes.
- Fourth Edition, Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials
- Android Wireless Application Development (Developer's Library)
Published in print and eBook by Pearson/Addison-Wesley, latest edition is a two volume set. - Third Edition, Vol. II: Advanced Topics
- Third Edition, Vol. I: Android Essentials
- Second Edition
- First Edition
- Notes: This is our Android book series most suitable for intermediate and advanced developers. It is written in a reference format with many stand-alone code recipes. Because we try to touch upon most Android features, the book became so large that it was divided into two volumes for the third edition.
- Third Edition, Vol. I: Android Essentials
- Learning Android Application Programming for the Kindle Fire
Published in print and eBook by Pearson/Addison-Wesley - First Edition
- Introduction to Android App Development for the Kindle Fire (eBook only)
- Introduction to Android App Development for the Kindle Fire (eBook only)
- Introducing Android Development with Ice Cream Sandwich
Published in eBook by Pearson/Addison-Wesley -
- First Edition
- First Edition
Foreign editions: Many foreign editions of the above books also exist, such as German, Polish, Chinese/Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Indian (English) and Spanish editions. Foreign editions do not always have the same title or edition number as the original editions listed above and we do our best to answer questions from readers, regardless of version.
Technical Articles, Online and In-Print
This list is updated periodically, and articles are listed by date (most recent first). Publisher website links can change without notice, but we do our best to keep these up-to-date.
- Maximize the Android User Experience: Common Entry Points for Android Applications, Envato, 03/01/2014.
- Android Prerequisites: Windows Preparation (Updated for latest tools), Envato, 03/01/2014.
- Android Prerequisites: Mac Preparation (Updated for latest tools), Envato, 03/01/2014.
- Supercharge Your Slow Android Emulator (Intel Tools),, QuinStreet, 01/17/2014.
- Writing Your First Android Application, Pearson/InformIT, 01/16/2014.
- Android Media Basics: Images, Audio, and Video, Pearson/InformIT, 11/19/2013.
- Mobiletuts+ Quiz: Getting Started with Android, Envato, 10/11/2012.
- Android Project Structure, Envato, 10/9/2012.
- Android App Debugging, Envato, 10/2/2012.
- Creating Android Hello World Applications, Envato, 9/25/2012.
- Android Sample Apps, Envato, 9/19/2012.
- Android ADB Quick Guide, Envato, 9/18/2012.
- Connecting Physical Android Devices To Your Development Machine, Envato, 9/14/2012.
- Android Virtual Device Creation, Envato, 9/10/2012.
- Android Downloads and Extras, Envato, 9/6/2012.
- Keeping the Android SDK & Eclipse Updated, Envato, 8/29/2012.
- Android SDK Installation, Envato, 8/28/2012.
- Android Prerequisites: Linux Preparation, Envato, 8/27/2012.
- Android Prerequisites: Windows Preparation, Envato, 8/27/2012.
- Android Prerequisites: Mac Preparation, Envato, 8/27/2012.
- Android Calendaring in Android 4.0+,, QuinStreet, 07/20/2012.
- Google I/O 2012: The Experience, Envato, 7/9/2012.
- Android User Interface Design: Basic Font Sizes, Envato, 6/30/2012.
- Android Notification Best Practices: Don't Annoy Your Users,, QuinStreet, 06/22/2012.
- Enabling Google Analytics to Gather App Statistics, Envato, 5/26/2012.
- Android Essentials: Creating Android-Compliant Libraries, Envato, 5/19/2012.
- Android Essentials: Adding JAR Files to Android Projects, Envato, 5/6/2012.
- Android Barometer Logger: Recording Sensor Data, Envato, 5/2/2012.
- Android Barometer Logger: Acquiring Sensor Data, Envato, 4/30/2012.
- Android Fundamentals: Picking App Components, Envato, 4/4/2012.
- Android App Publishing: Reading Android Market Crash Reports, Envato, 4/3/2012.
- Tracking User Behavior with Google Analytics SDK for Android, Envato, 2/23/2012.
- Creating Live Wallpapers on Android, Envato, 2/17/2012.
- Getting Started With RenderScript on Android, Envato, 2/14/2012.
- Android Essentials: Publishing to Specific Devices, Envato, 2/6/2012.
- Getting Started with the Android NDK,, QuinStreet, 01/30/2012.
- Android Essentials: Submitting Your Application to the Android Market, Envato, 1/24/2012.
- 10 Android UI Design Tips to Improve Your App's Visual Appeal,, QuinStreet, 01/17/2012.
- The 10 Rookie Mistakes Every Android Developer Should Avoid,, QuinStreet, 1/3/2012.
- Android 2011: A Year in Review, Envato, 12/31/2011.
- Getting Started With Kindle Fire Development, Envato, 12/5/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Creating a Numeric Keypad with GridLayout, Envato, 12/1/2011.
- Add Horizontal Paging To Your Android Applications,, QuinStreet, 11/28/2011.
- 10 Android App Performance Tips for Developers,, QuinStreet, 11/15/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Icon Design, Envato, 11/7/2011.
- A Developer Overview of Android 4.0: What's in Ice Cream Sandwich?,, QuinStreet, 11/2/2011.
- Android Intents: Developer Best Practices for App Integration,, QuinStreet, 10/24/2011.
- Android Essentials: Adding Events to the User’s Calendar, Envato, 10/24/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Horizontal View Paging, Envato, 10/18/2011.
- Get Your Apps Ready for Android Ice Cream Sandwich,, QuinStreet, 10/14/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Radio Buttons, Envato, 10/10/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: The Basics of Control Focus Order, Envato, 10/3/2011.
- Android SDK Augmented Reality: Location & Distance – Premium Tutorial, Envato, 9/30/2011.
- Android Essentials: Making Sense of Android Versioning, Envato, 9/26/2011.
- Enable a Fingerprint Scanner for Android on the Motorola ATRIX 4G,, QuinStreet, 9/26/2011.
- Android SDK Augmented Reality: Camera & Sensor Setup – Premium Tutorial, Envato, 9/20/2011.
- Android Essentials: Working with Strings and String Arrays, Envato, 9/19/2011.
- Amazon Appstore for Android: Pros and Cons for Developers,, QuinStreet, 9/16/2011.
- Mastering the Android Development Tools, Pearson/InformIT, 9/15/2011.
- Android 101: Developing for Google TV, Pearson/InformIT, 9/13/2011.
- Android Futures: Preparing For Ice Cream Sandwich, Envato, 9/12/2011.
- A Crash Course in Android Web Applications,, QuinStreet, 9/6/2011.
- Android Best Practices: StrictMode, Envato, 9/5/2011.
- Exploring Android SDK Support for SIP,, QuinStreet, 8/30/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Password Confirmation, Envato, 8/29/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Working With Date Picker Dialogs, Envato, 8/22/2011.
- Getting Started with JUnit on Android,, QuinStreet, 8/16/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Working With Dialogs, Envato, 8/15/2011.
- The Power of Android Action Bars, Pearson/InformIT, 8/15/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: EditText Controls, Envato, 8/8/2011.
- Android Application Testing: An Overview,, QuinStreet, 8/2/2011.
- 10 Internationalization Tips for Your Android Applications,, QuinStreet, 8/2/2011.
- Android Tools: Leveraging the Hierarchy Viewer for UI Profiling, Envato, 8/1/2011.
- The Android Emulator Survival Guide,, QuinStreet, 7/26/2011.
- Android Tools: Using the Hierarchy Viewer, Envato, 7/25/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Basic Image Controls, Envato, 7/18/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Basic Text Controls, Envato, 7/12/2011.
- Enable Hardware Acceleration in Your Android 3.0 Apps,, QuinStreet, 7/11/2011.
- Protecting Your Android Applications, Pearson/InformIT, 7/6/2011.
- Android SDK: Enabling Google Analytics to Gather App Statistics, Envato, 7/5/2011.
- Android Open Accessories: What's the Potential?,, QuinStreet, 7/5/2011.
- Getting Started with Google Analytics on Android,, QuinStreet, 6/27/2011.
- Android App Publication: A Checklist of Pre-Publication Considerations, Envato, 6/27/2011.
- Android Essentials: Enhancing Your Applications with App Widgets, Envato, 6/21/2011.
- The Android Honeycomb User Features Developers Need to Know,, QuinStreet, 6/20/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: IntentService Basics, Envato, 6/14/2011.
- Incorporating Shared Preference Technology into Your Android Applications, Pearson/InformIT, 6/6/2011.
- Create Flexible Android UIs with Fragments,, QuinStreet, 6/6/2011.
- Android Essentials: ListView Item State Management: A “Read Item” Flag, Envato, 6/6/2011.
- Android Compatibility: Diversity: Supporting Diverse Devices, Linux New Media, 6/1/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Database Dates and Sorting, Envato, 5/31/2011.
- Android Compatibility: List Indicators on Honeycomb, Envato, 5/23/2011.
- Android Futures: Creating Android Apps For Google TV, Envato, 5/16/2011.
- Why Google I/O 2011 Was Worth the Trip for Android Developers,, QuinStreet, 5/16/2011.
- Top 7 Android Accessibility Features,, QuinStreet, 5/16/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Status Bar Notifications, Envato, 5/9/2011.
- Top 10 Google I/O Sessions for Android Developers,, QuinStreet, 5/9/2011.
- Android Tablet Development Tips and Tricks, Pearson/InformIT, 5/4/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Building Application Preference Screens, Envato, 5/2/2011.
- Add Text-To-Speech and Speech Recognition to Your Android Applications,, QuinStreet, 4/29/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Scheduling Recurring Tasks, Envato, 4/25/2011.
- Where to Sell Your Android Killer App,, QuinStreet, 4/19/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Downloading Data With Services, Envato, 4/18/2011.
- Basics of Android Debugging, InformIT, 4/13/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Properly Loading Data, Envato, 4/12/2011.
- 10 Must-Have Android Tools for Developers,, QuinStreet, 4/8/2011.
- Android Fundamentals: Working With Content Providers, Envato, 4/4/2011.
- Android Compatibility: Working with Fragments, Envato, 3/28/2011.
- Android Hardware: Developing for the Nexus S,, QuinStreet, 3/27/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Working With Fragments, Envato, 3/21/2011.
- Introduction to 3D on Android: Going 3D, Linux New Media, 3/15/2011.
- Android SDK Tools: Layout Optimization, Envato, 3/14/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Building a ListView Application, Envato, 3/9/2011.
- Android 3.0 Honeycomb SDK: The Good, the Bad and the Missing,, QuinStreet, 3/9/2011.
- Android Tablet Design, Envato, 3/1/2011.
- Protect Your Android Applications from Software Piracy,, QuinStreet, 2/24/2011.
- Android Tablet Virtual Device Configurations, Envato, 2/23/2011.
- Managing Battery Life for Android Devices: Tips for Users and Developers,, QuinStreet, 2/16/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Frame Layouts, Envato, 2/14/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Table Layouts, Envato, 2/8/2011.
- The Pros and Cons of Writing to Different Android SDKs,, QuinStreet, 2/8/2011.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Java Shorthand, Envato, 2/1/2011.
- Android Essentials: Application Logging, Envato, 1/25/2011.
- Augmented Reality: Getting Started on Android, Envato, 1/18/2011.
- Android UI Fundamentals Challenge: RelativeLayout, Envato, 1/11/2011.
- Android User Interface Design: Relative Layouts, Envato, 1/3/2011.
- Android UI Fundamentals Challenge: LinearLayout, Envato, 12/27/2010.
- Android User Interface Design: Linear Layouts, Envato, 12/20/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Challenge: Strings, Envato, 12/13/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Date and Time Basics, Envato, 12/6/2010.
- Android Craft: Mastering Android Intents, Linux New Media, 12/1/2010.
- Android User Interface Design: Basic Buttons, Envato, 11/29/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: String Basics, Envato, 11/22/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Javadoc Code Documentation, Envato, 11/16/2010.
- Android User Interface Design: Layout Basics, Envato, 11/11/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: More On Inner Classes, Envato, 11/3/2010.
- Getting Started with 3D Graphics on Android, Imagine Publishing, 10/28/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Inner Classes, Envato, 10/26/2010.
- Java for Android Challenge: Iteration, Envato, 10/19/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Reflection Basics, Envato, 10/13/2010.
- Android Essentials: Application Preferences, Envato, 10/4/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Working with Arrays, Envato, 9/29/2010.
- SQLite Crash Course for Android Developers, Envato, 9/27/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Checking Object Type with Instanceof, Envato, 9/24/2010.
- Android Compatibility, Imagine Publishing, 9/21/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Java Syntax, Envato, 9/20/2010.
- Learn Java for Android Development: Introduction to Java, Envato, 9/13/2010.
- Launching the Browser From Your Android Applications – The Easy Way, Envato, 9/1/2010.
- How to build an Android application, step by step, ComputerWorld/IDG, 8/30/2010.
- Android Quick Tip: Using the Quick Contact Badge, Envato, 8/27/2010.
- Android SDK: Introduction to Gestures, Envato, 8/25/2010.
- Android Multitouch, Imagine Publishing, 8/18/2010.
- Beginning Android: Getting Started with Fortune Crunch, Envato, 8/17/2010.
- Advanced Android: Getting Started with the NDK, Envato, 8/11/2010.
- Android Essentials: Using the Contact Picker, Envato, 8/3/2010.
- Android SDK Quick Tip: Formatting Resource Strings, Envato, 7/26/2010.
- Android Essentials: Creating Simple User Forms, Envato, 7/22/2010.
- The Android Mobile Development Platform: A Reference Guide,, QuinStreet, 7/18/2010.
- Android SDK Quick Tip: Sending Pictures the Easy Way, Envato, 7/16/2010.
- Android 2.2 (FroYo) review, Imagine Publishing, 7/14/2010.
- Quick Tip: Enabling Users to Send Email From Your Android Applications – The Easy Way, Envato, 7/13/2010.
- Common Android Virtual Device Configurations, Envato, 7/6/2010.
- Android SDK Quick Tip: Launching the Camera, Envato, 7/2/2010.
- Mastering the Android Development Tools, Pearson/InformIT, 7/2/2010.
- Working with NinePatch Stretchable Graphics in Android,, QuinStreet, 6/22/2010.
- Android SDK Quick Tip: Launching Maps In-App, Envato, 6/16/2010.
- Quick Tip: Enabling the Android “Move To SD Card” Feature, Envato, 6/9/2010.
- Android SDK: Unit Testing with the JUnit Testing Framework, Envato, 6/1/2010.
- Android 2.2 and Its Previous Versions: A Sweet Developer Review,, QuinStreet, 5/28/2010.
- Android SDK: Building a Localized Phrasebook, Envato, 5/25/2010.
- Top 10 Android 2.2 Features Developers Can't Wait to Use,, QuinStreet, 5/24/2010.
- Working with the Android Calendar,, QuinStreet, 12/14/2009.
- Project Pitfalls: 10 Business Risks of Android Development, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/24/2009.
- Android Needs Google For Now, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/23/2009.
- 19 Ways to Make "Free" Mobile Application Pricing Profitable, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/19/2009.
- Key Questions Any Good Mobile Application Business Plan Should Answer, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/19/2009.
- Some Thoughts on Mobile Application Business Plans, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/11/2009.
- Six Hot Android Topics at DroidCamp, NetworkWorld/IDG, 11/6/2009.
- The Top Five Business Benefits of Android, NetworkWorld/IDG, 10/31/2009.
- Handling Lengthy Operations with Android App Widgets,, QuinStreet, 10/30/2009.
- Hello!, NetworkWorld/IDG, 10/29/2009.
- Chapter 18: The Mobile Software Development Process, NetworkWorld/IDG, 10/28/2009.
- Handling User Interaction with Android App Widgets,, QuinStreet, 9/8/2009.
- Introducing Android, Pearson/InformIT, 8/10/2009.
- Creating a Home Screen App Widget on Android,, QuinStreet, 8/6/2009.
- Android XML Parser Performance,, QuinStreet, 6/11/2009.
- Android: A Brief Introduction,, QuinStreet, 8/8/2008.